Different things are there to consider when discussing about the education. “Christian Education” means the education system that followed in the Christian Schools. Christian educational institutions are in existence from the last 50 years.
Christian schools are there in all over the world. In some cases, Christian education will be referred as the education provided by the Christian homes. In United States, the contexts taught in Churches will be considered as the Christian education. Every Sunday morning people of all age will participate in the Christian education. It never taught the things that are out of Christianity. The contexts and points taught by Jesus are the major things that get instructed by Christian education. It requires the Christian educators to take active part in teaching the contexts.
Christian priest, parents and youth workers are the teachers of the Christian education. At times, parents will threaten their children like the arrogant teacher to guide them on a right way. A Christian teacher can easily understand what the students want. They can realize both their personal and official needs. Teachers and Priests have a primary responsibility in directing the students in a proper way.
Christian students will contribute themselves to the ongoing Christian education. In recent day, people who are focusing more on the Christian contents have been increased drastically. It is an evident to understand how the Christian Education playing its role in guiding the people to follow the path of God. Christian education will teach people how value the faith on God in managing the things.
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I have seen Christians being a minority in India, they have ample of schools and colleges across the country. It doesn’t mean they are much concerned about studies and education. Its the only situation and conditions which helped them in India to grow and flourish.